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NICK APPEARANCES.....LA Gay & Lesbian Center's LifeWorks 6th Annual Life Out Loud Event

Happy the Paramount Lot:
Nick Verreos, LifeWorks Life Out Loud Event Paramount Backlot
Last night, as part of Los Angeles Pride 2011 Festivities, my dear friends Colin and John invited me to a great fundraiser event/party. It was the 6th Annual LA Gay & Lesbian Center's Life Out Loud benefiting LifeWorks, the center's youth development and mentoring program.
Where Are My Keys: Nick Verreos poses next to a new and shiny Lexus, LifeWorks Life Out Loud Event, Paramount Backlot
Platinum/Presenting Sponsors included Barbie Collector (more on that later--read on) as well as Lexus. This year's honorees were Mike C. Manning, Human Rights Activist, also known from being on "MTV's Real World D.C.", as well as Zach Wahls, famous for his address to the Iowan State Legislature in support of his two moms and Gay Marriage. The festive cocktail party, held at the Paramount Studios Backlot "New York Street", featured music--very Hed Kandi-esque "Beach House", delicious hors d'oeuvres (sliders, desserts, crudites)... Absolut cocktails (naturally!) as well as a FABULOUS Silent Auction. For the Silent Auction, there were long tables set up on the Backlot, displaying an extensive array of items such as a BookMarc by Marc Jacobs Package, a HUGE book on the famed Italian fashion house of Pucci (a Must-Have for any Fashionista-coffee-table!), a doggie bed with doggie toys, Diesel leather bag (my friend bid on this and won!), as well as many many others.
Cher Heaven: Cher poster/canopy, Barbie Collector Tent, LifeWorks Life Out Loud Event
Now, adjacent to the Silent Auction, cocktail bars and hors d'oeuvres table--there was something that made me almost trip on my YSL Johnny Boots: There was a Barbie Collector tent set up with Super-Sized canopies and posters featuring some of the most ICONIC Barbie Collector dolls--especially for the Gays. There was Cher in all her "If I Can Turn Back Time" ensemble--no wrinkles in sight-- As well as Barbra Streisand (above) in her Sailor outfit which she wore at her Coconut Grove and Hollywood Bowl concerts in the early 60's--Miss Streisand actually designed this famous ensemble--with the help of Hollywood Costume Designer Donfeld. Another poster/canopy in the Barbie Collector tent that caught my eye, was the "Krystle and Alexis" Dynasty Barbies (above). Two of my absolute favorites. Gosh, I just love those 80's Barbies! Look at the hair (notice Krystle's darker "under" hair color), the diamonds, the gowns!! To that note, as part of the Silent Auction, Barbie Collector put together some AMAZING baskets for guests to bid on. I was going to bid on one but alas, time ran out and I missed it! (insert SAD FACE)
Project Runway Smiles: Nick Verreos and Jack Mackenroth
After spending WAAAY too much time at the "Barbie Collector" tent, my friends finally pried me away so I could actually enjoy some nibblings and cocktails and spend time with friends--new and old. I ran into fellow Project Runway alumn, hottie muscle boy Jack Mackenroth who was in town visiting from the East Coast...
Cutie Brit: British-born singer actor, composer (and new party/event buddy!) Tom Lowe
English actor and singer (you may recognize him from his stint on the sixth season of "American Idol") and composer Tom Lowe was also at the Life Out Loud Fundraiser. He's an acquaintance of the boys I came with and was such a HOOT to hang out with. We were bonding to no end on the Hed Kandi-like house music tunes being played (we were singing them really loud much to our bystanders dismay) as well as he was giving me some traveling tips on my upcoming trip to Europe--and London especially...
Blazers Required: My good friend--and one half of my "Dates"--Colin Murphy
Finally, I had to bid Adieu to such a great event--and get back home and be depressed at the fact that I didn't get to bid--or win--any Barbie's from that amazing Silent Auction so I leave you with this Bob Mackie Circus Barbie Doll that was encased in glass (of course it was!) in the Barbie Collector Tent:
Just FAB-u-LOUS!!!!

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2 Responses to "NICK APPEARANCES.....LA Gay & Lesbian Center's LifeWorks 6th Annual Life Out Loud Event"

Anonymous said...

omg i just loove barbie! she's such a fashion icon

Marc Freden said...

You have Kobe Bryant shouting out the word Faggot...then again with the jets guy and David Tyree speaking out against Gay Marriage...and of course you have Tracey Morgan being downright hateful against gays and there are no ramifications. Even the sight of Weiner's Weiner has brought down a Congressman. Are people that afraid of Gays in this day and age? Well Marc Freden, too, has been given pause with the issue.

As a gay man, even he feels the need to apologize for the blatant use of the word "Faggot" in his new book "REALLY!?!" Now Freden using the "F" word should get a tacit pass...much like black people using the "N" word to describe themselves. His harmless use of the word...(And you must read the book to understand) has lead him to a video mea culpa on YouTube "Marc Freden Must Apologize to the Gay Community".

Furthermore, Freden has pledged that if Kobe Bryant can be fined $50,000 then he too should pay a price. A percentage of every book sold as a result of his apology will go to the Trevor Project - a gay hot line for distressed teens looking for a voice of calm and understanding. It is the least he can do. Who will join Freden in this cause?